A New Brand EVERYONE Needs!

The solution for all nail and beauty professionals. An essential for your set-up, and perfect for retailing.

Introducing Puromist, the ultimate cleansing and protection product for tools and skin. Puromist is a game-changer that's about to revolutionise your treatments.. The gentle yet powerful formula cleanses 99.99% of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, spores and viruses.

Sanitise your tools and equipment in seconds with the Puromist Spray or Puromist Wipes!

Not only does it speedily sanitise your station, it can also be used on the face and body. The formula is completely pH balanced, non toxic and alcohol free making it perfect to clean you client’s hands, feet and face before any treatment.

You NEED these products and your client’s do too! An everyday tool that protects the skin from nasty pollutants that can cause breakouts, bacteria and redness.

We have been searching for a product like this, and we can’t wait for you to love it as much as we do!