The sunshine has made an appearance we think the only appropriate footwear is sandals! Sandals can only mean one thing pedicure season has arrived! Make sure your clients feel confident in their feet by using Footlogix, the world’s first ‘pediceutical’ foot care brand.

Have you tried Footlogix products yet? If not, now is the perfect time!

Footlogix offers more than pedicure products; it cares, soothes and treats common foot concerns. There is a product for everyone!

Aftercare is important to keep the consistency of the treatment. Footlogix is a procedure rather than a one-off treatment, especially in summer due to the weather and the heat.

Footlogix aftercare products for your clients:

  • Sweaty feet? This is a common problem in summer; therefore, clients are more likely to get infections in their toenails due to lingering moisture, Anti-Fungal Toe Tincture spray is the perfect everyday product to prevent and treat the common Toenail Fungal Infection.
  • The heat and sunshine can dry out your skin, so to keep your client’s feet moisturised we recommend the Dry Skin Formula to be used as part of a regular skin care maintenance.
  • It is flip flop and sandal season, so avoiding rough skin on the feet is priority for everyone. The Rough Skin Formula is the perfect product to increase the strength of the skin and reduces dry and flaky areas, giving your clients new found foot confidence.
  • Clammy, peeling skin can occur in the summer due to feet sweating and the increased moisture, resulting in the skin becoming soft and leading to problems such as Athlete’s foot. The Peeling Skin Formula will relief itching, peeling, scaling and irritation of the feet
  • Sweaty feet result in foot odor. Foot Deodorant spray will neutralise the odor and refresh the skin, leaving your clients feet feeling fresh in summer. It’s easy, just apply once or twice per day, or when needed as part of a regular, daily foot care
  • Wearing closed toe shoes in summer can cause problems for the feet, especially sweating which results in shoe odor. Shoe Deodorant spray kills the odor causing the bacteria, leaving your clients shoes fresh, minimising foot odor build up

You can achieve truly transformational results with the professional and home care Footlogix products; however, this is only achieved when your clients have the correct aftercare products to use at their convenience.


Footlogix USPs:

  • Non-greasy: socks and shoes can be worn immediately after application. Simply apply & go!
  • Hygienic: applicators have a sealed system that does not allow air into the container
  • Effective: protect damaged skin against infections and most efficacious for the dryness
  • Endorsed: by leading Doctors and Podiatrists across North America and Europe

We have a wide variety of videos on our YouTube channel that will help you with all Footlogix products, from application to results!

Don’t forget to tag us in any Footlogix transformation photos on social media!