Working in beauty, we all strive to show professional care and attention to clients. By providing a retail service in your salon, you are providing a service to your clients that goes beyond their salon visit and creates a useful additional income for your business too. We’ve put together some of our top tips to show you why retailing in your salon is a must have essential.Louella Belle Salon Retailing

Building Brand Loyalty.

By having a retail system in place in your salon means that you are providing an extra level of care and personalisation to your clients’ treatments, helping them build trust in your advice and expertise which will help to build brand loyalty with your services in the future.

Credibility In Your Salon.

By retailing in your salon, you are able to offer the highest quality products to your clients to help make sure they maintain their salon quality look between visits. This makes them the perfect brand ambassador for your salon, recommending the products and services to friends which in turn helps to generate new clients. By working with professional brands, this echoes your commitment to quality, and will further enhance your credibility to both new and existing clients.

Providing Ongoing Education To Staff

Providing clients with a high quality aftercare service portrays a professional image of both the staff and the salon as a whole. By providing a continuous stream of products, staff will continuously find excitement and education through every element of their work, resulting in a trusting relationship between staff and their clients.

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